- my own fully custom pokemon go client compatible with other public tools for making maps of the game
- it runs natively on android and can be dockerized on arm-based systems
- allows many concurrent login sessions for optimized mapping
- closed-source and includes safeguards to prevent abuse, but i made it available for free!
- im part of the l3ak ctf team
- we were ranked 21st globally on ctftime in 2024
- im particularly good at solving reverse engineering and web exploitation challenges, and also other miscellaneous puzzles
- a c++ library i wrote for the v5 platform that wraps the vex sdk directly
- implements customizable pid, take-back-half, and feedforward controllers and some simple measurment filters
- provides an easy api for controlling ws2812b addressable leds
pokemon go map
- using my cosmog software i run some publicly available maps
- im currently scanning parts of arizona, michigan, and canada
- the interface allows users to view and locate pokemon, raids, and other in-game elements easily
5090x radioactive
- i was the captain of my vex robotics team in high school
- we were division finalists at the 2023 world championships
- in my 5 years competing i learned a lot about the engineering design process and learned how to use cad software
- im one of the founders and administrators of the g2m, an alternative forum for vex robotics
- we created it after the official vex forum shut down temporarily following censorship of misconduct
discourse forum archiver
- a program i wrote that can scrape and archive any discourse-based web forum and detect post changes
- not actively used anymore, but taught me quite a bit about web scraping and automation
vex worlds lrs platform
- in 10th grade i developed the platform on which the 2021 vex live remote skills world championships took place
- i had some help to start out with but wrote most of it on my own, both the frontend and backend
- wrapped a custom implementation of jitsi meet for video conferencing
- this project helped me learn basic web dev and sysadmin skills
discord keyword alerter
- a proof-of-concept program i made to scrape discord messages on a user account
- it can send alerts when certain customizable keywords are found
- its against the discord tos so i dont use it, but making it was a fun challenge