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Dragonite Settings

The following settings in Dragonite are optimal for use with Cosmog

location_delay = 3500

The reason for this is that with Cosmog, more, slower workers are almost always overall faster than fewer fast workers. Due to how Cosmog is architected, the time it takes to spin down a worker and create and login with a new one is almost always going to be longer than the time an RPC jail takes to expire anyway. Additionally, the login process is generally the most taxing on the device CPU-wise. Keeping recycle-on-jail set to false will result in more overall scanning happening. This works with Cosmog because the licensing model isn't per worker, so the incentive to keep worker counts as low as possible isn't there. Another benefit of keeping ROJ off is significantly less impact on Play Integrity solving. Part of what makes Cosmog so cheap is that the price of the MITM is offset by the fact that devices can (rarely) provide solves for other users when they're not busy. Keeping ROJ off makes this sustainable.

Location delay should also be set to a decently high value, 3500 is suggested. The higher you push this value, the higher you can push worker counts (up to a point). Device CPU and network speeds will still end up being the limiting factor, but when the device has enough workers, there's no point in wasting CPU on trying to collect GMOs that will likely fail anyway, hence the location delay.