Mapping Tiers
Cosmog has multiple tiers you can sign up for. Each is best for different use cases and should be picked accordingly. Tiers above Cerulean are considered "custom" tiers and are managed manually by me. Custom tiers have a slight (3%) fee above the listed price to compensate for Stripe platform fees. If this is an issue for you, talk to me about it privately.
Tier | $ per month | $ per device | $ per worker | Max devices | Max workers per device | Deviceless access |
Pallet | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1 | 5 | no |
Viridian | 16 | 8.0 | 1.0 | 2 | 8 | no |
Pewter | 35 | 7.0 | 0.875 | 5 | 8 | no |
Cerulean | 60 | 6.0 | 0.75 | 10 | 8 | no |
Vermilion | 120 | 8.0 | 0.66 | 15 | 12 | no |
Lavender | 160 | 8.0 | 0.66 | 20 | 12 | no |
Celadon | 240 | 8.0 | 0.66 | 30 | 12 | no |
Fuchsia | 400+ | 8.0 | 0.5 | 50+ | 16 | no |
Saffron | 50+ | 50- | 1.0- | 1+ | 50 | hybrid |
Cinnabar | 100+ | 100- | 2.0- | 1+ | 50 | full |
Feature Explanation
The max devices field is the maximum number of devices you can concurrently have using the same Klefki access token. Klefki doesn't worry about registering a device. As soon as one is disconnected, another can be connected in its place. It only cares about the number of concurrent connections
The max workers per device should be fairly self-explanatory. Most ATVs will want to be capped at around 8 workers for performance reasons anyway. The higher tiers have this value raised higher because larger-scale mappers are more likely to have a setup where 8 isn't the practical max anyway. It is set lower for smaller users to prevent shooting themselves in the foot.
As a clarification, the $ per device and $ per worker columns are there as a guide, they are NOT prices in addition to the tier price. Tier prices are fixed for a certain number of devices and workers per device.
If you have particularly powerful ATVs, such as an H96 Max, they can handle much larger worker counts (often up to 32). If you have these, and want an individualized tier to account for this, reach out to me and we can work something out.
Deviceless access is the ability to run some of your workers virtually by sharing Play Integrity attestations from your other devices and is available for Saffron and up. All physical devices connected to Klefki make themselves available to run attestations for other users with adequate access level when they're otherwise not busy. Given the number of devices connected is in the hundreds at least, this should be rare, and won't affect performance. Still, this is factored into the price for Cosmog, and is part of the reason I can make it so cheap. Virtualized devices can generally handle significantly higher worker counts than ATVs, which is why the max workers per device are yet again bumped up here. The Saffron tier costs between $50 and $25 per virtual "device", depending on the number of devices, each of which can run 50 or so workers. I've managed to get 10 virtual devices running on the same VPS, for a total of 500 workers for a hosting cost of $40/mo. ATVs connected configured with a worker count of 0 do NOT count against device usage limits. It's fair to estimate that you will need one ATV for solving per 50 deviceless workers. Cinnabar is full deviceless. You can run using dedicated Play Integrity solvers provided by the Klefki backend, without the need for your own ATVs (provided resources are available). This is priced at the traditional $2/worker scaling down to $1/worker, and while I do not expect many people to go for it, it is available.
It is intended that most small to medium-scale mappers moving from other MITM solutions will be in the Vermilion or Lavender tiers. The traditional ATV tiers offer significantly lower per-worker cost than other solutions. For large-scale mappers, Saffron will allow for a very cheap $0.50 per worker, and should be significantly more efficient than ATV usage. The deviceless tiers are only intended for these large-scale mappers, and as such have a minimum device count to subscribe. For these tiers I will set up each user with exactly as many devices as they want (as opposed to tiers), so anyone interested in them should reach out to me via DM.
Saffron and Cinnabar have variable pricing depending on the amount of devices used. They both start at double their eventual price, and quadratically regress to it as worker count approaches 1000. The formula for Saffron pricing is as follows, where x is the worker count, and y is the price in dollars. I scale these in blocks of 50 workers. The price for Cinnabar is twice this.
If you have a special use case or need accommodations regarding pricing, reach out to me, I am flexible. I want as many people mapping as possible, and I don't want cost to be a barrier to that.